Does Your Piano Teacher Vacation?

Since summer is here.  Let’s talk about the subject of vacations.  As a piano teacher, my schedule has some flexibility.


My husband and I like to travel in the fall when it is cooler and crowds are lower.  Also, from about mid-January to the beginning of May, most of my weekends are filled with piano related activities that relate to my students.  Did I mention that all of those weekends are unpaid? Yes, that’s right folk.  Your piano teacher has to volunteer time so that your student can participate in festivals.  Now most of the piano teachers don’t mind working those weekends.  If you add in additional weekends for recitals and then for studio class, that is a lot of time outside of lessons that your teacher is dedicating to their students. 


So if you teacher lets you know well in advance and offers ample make up lessons or payment options for time that they will be away, please try to be understanding.  Most families are very understanding about vacation time away from the studio.  If your teacher has excessive absences on short notice, then that is a bird of a different feather.


Oh yeah, did I mention that Walt Disney World is offering free dining again in September? 


Educational Expectations for Summer Piano Lessons

Today my students will begin having their last lessons before the summer session starts.  Many of them will be taking summer lessons but not on a regular schedule.  What should parents and teachers expect from students who take lessons during the summer?


If a student is taking infrequent piano lessons in the summer, then my goal is retention of knowledge.  Just like with academics, if you don’t use it, you will loose it.  All that hard work we put into theory and technique will quietly drift away.  As a teacher who as high standards week after week for the literature that the students are learning, I find that summer is a great time to play ‘fun’ music.  Now, I find classical music to be fun but my students don’t always agree.  So we will be pulling out the pop and show tunes.  Recognizable pieces that students enjoy playing so much.  The technical skills are the same and we might learn some new interesting rhythms. 


I try not to stress out about the lack of practice in the summer.  Kids go to camps and travel with their families.  When they are home, I encourage them to try to maintain a normal practice schedule.  Even if the amount of time is less, I don’t want them to lose the habit of practicing.   Parents can help by reminding the students to practice when they are able.


Summer is a nice time for teachers and students to relax and regroup.  Review those skills and make sure everything is in order for when piano/music lessons start back in the fall.  Festival season will be here before we know it.  So help maintain those skills be practicing for you summer lessons when the chance arises. 

Awkward Topics- Moving in or Moving Out of a Studio

There are few topics that make music teachers more uncomfortable than the topics of losing students, inheriting students or getting rid of students.  Most of us are fairly nice people who run into each other on a somewhat frequent basis.  There are few things worse than bragging on a talented student only to find out you are talking to that student’s previous teacher.  So how do parents and students deal with these subjects?

If you have a student who just isn’t clicking with your teaching style or studio policy, it is ok to send them someplace else.  There are many teachers who have many different styles.  You won’t be the right fit for everyone.  It’s not a failing; it’s more like a fact of life.  So how do you graciously send a student on their way?  If possible, schedule an in-person meeting with the student or parents.  Have your thoughts prepared and a copy of your studio policy handy if the situation calls for it.  If a student needs to move on for a specific musical reason try to guide them in the right direction.  Does the student have a fondness for jazz?  Be a friend and recommend a teacher or two who teaches in that style.  If it is a policy issue, calmly explain that you must abide by your studio policy in order to be fair to all of your students.  Students can leave with a  positive experience even if the circumstances are less than ideal.

Today’s society is very mobile.  Most teacher have inherited students from other teachers at one point or another.  The previous teacher moved, downsized their studio, or decided to go in a new direction.  How do you make this a smooth transition?  Your studio policy sheet is your friend.  Have the student, the parent and the teacher read and sign it.  Point out any unusual or new topics that it might cover.  If there is a particularly pertinent part, provide a blank for the responsible party to initial.  Then provide a copy to the parent or student and keep the signed copy on file.  For example, if you do not offer make up lessons, make sure the client acknowledges that they understand this point.

Another good idea would to have a trial lesson.  Sometimes you or the family can tell from the outset that it is not a good match up.  It is a good idea to get an idea of the student’s abilities beforehand if possible.  This saves valuable lesson time.  There are many good reasons that you might inherit a student.  Try to keep the previous teacher in a good light.  Parents and teachers both talk, and we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings unnecessarily.

How about that awkward situation where you think your teacher is crazy, disorganized, incompetent, or just the devil?  Or on a lighter note, that you have outgrown what a teacher can offer you musically, you moved and the lessons are to far, you found a closer teacher of comparable skill or you just need a change?  Talk about sticky situations.

This is where full disclosure isn’t the best policy.  From a teacher’s perspective, we just want you to abide by the policy sheet for withdrawing from the studio.  We probably already know what any problems might be and saw this situation on the horizon. A note to the teacher’s that read this blog.  A teacher should refrain from badgering a family as to what their exact reasoning is.  Families sometimes have very personal reasons that might  range from financial to religious.  Don’t put the family on the spot.  By forcing them to come up with an excuse that might not be true you are hurting your chances of making that family feel welcome to come back at anytime.  Circumstances change and that family that you help to leave on good terms might very well be back in a few years.   A note to families who are changing teachers.  Please don’t ever tell your current teacher who you are transferring to and don’t tell your new teacher what studio you transferred from.  This just creates awkward situations for everyone.  Just politely tell the teacher that you wish to abide by their policy for withdrawing and leave it at that.  You never know when you might want to come back to that studio and you need to try and leave on good terms.

In a perfect world, we would be thrilled with all of our students and they would love us forever and ever.  However, we all know that is not how things always work.  Diplomacy and tact from everyone ensures a smooth transition and a continuing musical education for the student.

Why I like Being a Piano Teacher in Charlotte, North Carolina


1.  Being a musician is a respected profession. 

2.  There is well established fine arts community that offers many opportunities to my students.

3.  I am fairly compensated for being a teacher with a BM and MM in Piano Pedagogy and 10+ years of teaching experience.

4.  There is a large piano teacher community.

5.  Having a full studio is relatively easy compared to other parts of the country.

How young can children start piano lessons?

Yesterday, we talked about adults who want to take piano lessons.  What about the opposite end of the spectrum?  How young of a child can begin piano lessons?


The independent piano teacher usually sets their own policy for the age limit for beginning piano students.  When I started lessons with Elizabeth Cothern in Mississippi, I had to be in second grade.  Many teachers still hold to the rule that students need to be able to read and be semi-independent.  This is a great guideline for families where the parents of unable to assist in practice from an application stand point. 


However, if the parents or grandparents are willing to sit and help a student then really it is up to the teacher as to how young is too young.  There does need to be some maturity there.  I have had 4 year olds that have no problems sitting through a lesson and were quite dedicated in their practice.  With other 4 year olds, it was obvious immediately that the child was not ready to begin lessons.


Here is my list that I follow at Brunner Studios when evaluating a potential new student that is quite young.


1.  At least 4 years old.

2.  Recognizes the letters of the alphabet and numbers 1-9.

3.  Rudimentary understanding of left and right

4.  Can the student focus and behave for a 30 minute lesson?

5.  Will the student have assistance at home with practice?

6.  Is the student interested in playing the piano?

7.  Does the family have access to a piano on a daily basis?


Every child is different.  If you are interested in piano lessons, contact a teacher and set up a trial lesson.  Summer is a great time to give piano lessons a try.

Piano, Voice and Oboe Lessons for Adults

So often I hear adults say “I wish I hadn’t quit piano (fill in the blank for other lessons here) lessons when I was younger.”  I never hear adults expression gratitude for their parents letting them quit.  Sometimes an adult will say that they wish that they had gotten the chance to take music lessons.  My response is always  that it is never too late to start lessons. 


Why should adults go ahead and take the chance and take lessons?


Adults are going to pick up learning to read music more quickly than a young child.  Being more independent and able to reason through problem will keep the learning process moving at a steady pace.  It can take a young person several months to learn all of the notes on the musical staff.  A dedicated adult can learn the same information in just a few weeks.  This will allow more time to focus on learning to play with the proper technique. 


Adults are more apt to practice and focus as they are the ones paying the lesson bills.  You probably aren’t going to pay for something that you don’t enjoy or don’t spend time practicing.  If you go back to lessons after many years away, the desire to learn is there.  Mom and Dad aren’t making you take lessons and the initiative is yours.


Adult students are more active participants in picking out what music they would like to play.  Often adult students will come into lessons with a specific goal in mind.  They would like to learn to play or church or to play in a band.   Lessons can be tailored to fit your needs in these areas. 


So if you are thinking about beginning piano, voice or oboe lessons and you are an adult.  Go ahead and jump in. 


Brunner Studios offers flexible scheduling for adult students.  If you want lessons in the morning, during lunch, or after work, then there is a time on the schedule for you.

Schedule a Summer Recital

This weekend is Memorial Day.  The start of summer.  Many students around the country are already out of school and those who aren’t are counting the days.  As teachers we encourage our students to take summer lessons.  Try scheduling a summer patriotic recital to give your students a goal to work towards.  After those spring recitals we run the risk of losing focus.  A fun filled relaxed recital of patriotic music just about fits the bill.  Brunner Studios offers summer piano, voice and oboe lessons.


Here are a few ideas for your patriotic recital

1.  Picnic Style-  If you have the space, have everyone bring blankets and snacks.  Have the audience sit on the floor.  Encourage the families to sing along if they know the song.  Have your older students practice their accompanying and host a sing along.

2.  Red, White and Blue-  Have your students dress in their patriotic best.  Nothing like a theme to bring out that creativity.

3.  Duets and Trios-  If your students have time, let them learn a duet.  There are some great patriotic arrangements out there for 4 hands.


Enjoy your holiday week!

Prizes and Awards


It is that time of year again.  The school year is just about over and it is time to hand out those achievement awards.  Every year I struggle to find just the right balance between well-earned and well-deserved awards and recognition for students who didn’t accomplish a major feat but stuck it out another year. 


Certificates go a long way for many students.  Almost everyone completed a book this year or participated in a festival or concert.  So I’ll head to Lakeshore Learning and purchase a bunch of certificates and those nice shiny gold seals.  I’ll do certificates for book completion, festival participation, practice records, and attendance.  It does take a really long time to fill these out, but most of the time the kids are happy to receive them.


Composer Busts.  A few years ago my mom was at the Dollar Tree and they had black and gold composer busts for….you guessed it….a dollar.  She bought them out and I am still giving them away.  My students with perfect attendance and those who met a minimum number of practice minutes for the year will receive a bust. 


I am not giving these out at a program this year because I ran out of time and the kids are about concertized out.  So at their last lesson they will get their prizes.  It doesn’t take much to make most students happy so this is a way to end the year on a high notes and to motive the students to keep practice during their summer lessons.

Summer Lesson Special

Brunner Studios is now offering a special discount to new students on summer Piano, Voice and Oboe Lessons.  Schedule and Pre-Pay 4 Lessons and Receive 2 lesson for FREE!  This is a savings of over $50.

Summer Lessons offer flexible scheduling.  Students who take at least 4 summer lessons will receive priority registration for fall lesson times.


Contact Brunner Studios today!

Conveniently located near Idlewild Rd and I-485.